Results for 'Women'S. Liberation Movement National Information Service'

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  1.  11
    Christabelle Sethna & Steve Hewitt, Just Watch Us: RCMP surveillance of the Women’s Liberation movement in Cold War Canada.Ioana Cîrstocea - 2023 - Clio 57:344-346.
    Fruit de la collaboration entre une historienne des femmes, du genre et de la sexualité basée à l’Université d’Ottawa et un spécialiste des études de la sécurité, de l’espionnage et du contre-terrorisme travaillant à l’Université de Birmingham, cet ouvrage se penche sur la surveillance par les services secrets canadiens des groupes luttant pour les droits des femmes dans les années 1960‑1980. Les sources principales de leur recherche sont les documents de renseignement constitués par la Royal...
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    The politics of love: Women's liberation and feeling differently.Victoria Hesford - 2009 - Feminist Theory 10 (1):5-33.
    Contemporary queer interrogations of heteronormativity are fraught with the traces of feminist contestations of the intimate domains of women's `ordinary' lives during the era of the women's liberation movement. These traces remain enigmatic within contemporary theories of public affect and emotion rather than incorporated into their critiques of the present political moment. This essay argues that the work of the early women's liberationists — their attempts to bring the personal into view as the dense, affect laden, site of (...)
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    Toward a Feminist History of the Drug-Using Woman—and Her Recovery.Trysh Travis - 2019 - Feminist Studies 45 (1):209-233.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 45, no. 1. © 2019 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 209 Trysh Travis Toward a Feminist History of the Drug-Using Woman— and Her Recovery In 1995, public health scholars Laura Schmidt and Constance Weisner published “The Emergence of Problem-Drinking Women as a Special Population in Need of Treatment.”1 The article, aimed at specialists in the growing field of behavioral sciences, explored the history of medpsych attitudes toward women (...)
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    Feminist Approaches to Gender Equity in Perú: The Roles of Conflict, Militancy, and Pluralism in Feminist Activism.Shelly Grabe - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    For the past several decades, coordinated efforts from within the women’s social movement in Perú have led to groundbreaking legislation surrounding gender equity – for example, the National Gender Equality Policy of 2019 and the Gender Parity Law of 2020. These institutionalized policy changes mark milestones on the path to gender equity, certainly in Perú, but activist efforts that targeted these outcomes can inform women globally. The current study investigated key components of feminist activism by social movement (...)
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    Women Developing Women: Islamic Approaches for Poverty Alleviation in Rural Egypt.Sherine Hafez - 2011 - Feminist Review 97 (1):56-73.
    Through an ethnographic account of a social reform project led by Islamic activist women in the village of Mehmeit in rural Egypt, this article analyses women's Islamic activism as a form of worship. Women's experiences of activism are at the centre of this account, which highlights their attempts to economically and socially develop a destitute rural community. Their development ideals mirror the embedded principles of liberal secular modernity and offer a tangible example of the concomitance of these so-called binaries of (...)
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    Buddhist Women and Interfaith Work in the United States.Kate Dugan - 2007 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (1):31-50.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist Women and Interfaith Work in the United StatesKate DuganWomen from a wide array of backgrounds and interest areas continue to shape the face of Buddhism in the United States—from women who encountered Buddhism during the women's movement in the 1960s to ordained women founding temples for large immigrant populations; from women carving out a space for Buddhism in colleges and universities to Buddhist women engaged in interfaith (...)
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    Ethics in Health Services and Policy: A Global Approach.Dean M. Harris - 2011 - Jossey-Bass.
    Machine generated contents note: Introduction. -- Acknowledgments. -- The Author. -- 1 Ethical Theories and Bioethics in a Global Perspective. -- Theories of Ethics. -- Are Theories of Ethics Global? -- Can Theories of Ethics Encourage People to Do the Right Thing? -- 2 Autonomy and Informed Consent in Global Perspective. -- Ethical Principles and Practical Issues of Informed Consent. -- Does Informed Consent Really Matter to Patients? -- Is Informed Consent a Universal Principle or a Cultural Value? -- 3 (...)
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    Ann Hibner Koblitz. Science, Women, and Revolution in Russia. xv + 211 pp., glossary, bibl., index.Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 2000. $45. [REVIEW]Alexander Vucinich - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):154-155.
    The 1860s—the epoch of great reforms—brought to Russia a remarkable assortment of official actions that emancipated the serfs, liberalized the judicial system, created zemstva as experiments in limited local self‐government, granted universities an unprecedented scope of academic autonomy, and dramatically enlarged the number of young Russians enrolled in the leading Western universities in search of higher degrees in the sciences. These and similar reforms created an atmosphere favoring women's access to professional positions and contributing to the removal of the harshest (...)
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    Censoring Anglogynophobia: Reconsidering the Disappearance of the National Alliance of Black Feminists.Ileana Nachescu - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (1):201-229.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 47, no. 1. © 2021 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 201 Ileana Nachescu Censoring Anglogynophobia: Reconsidering the Disappearance of the National Alliance of Black Feminists Black women’s activism in the 1970s has often been located in the fissures between the civil rights movement, women’s liberation movement, and Black nationalism—a form of “interstitial feminism,” in the words of Kimberly Springer.1 Providing crucial interventions to disrupt (...)
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    The Vanguards of the Women's Liberation Movement—Lu Yin, Bingxin, and Ding Ling.Liu Nienling - 1989 - Chinese Studies in History 23 (2):22-45.
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    Re-Visioning the Women's Liberation Movement's Narrative: Early Second Wave African American Feminists.Rosalyn Baxandall - 2001 - Feminist Studies 27 (1):225-245.
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  12.  16
    Women's movements around the world:: Cross-cultural comparisons.Diane Rothbard Margolis - 1993 - Gender and Society 7 (3):379-399.
    This article develops a framework for cross-national comparisons of contemporary women's movements. The article focuses on the international context and cross-national influences, the nature of the state, the absence or presence of other movements, the effects of conservative or liberal political environments, the effects of centralization or dispersion within the movement itself and on feminist involvement in political parties and elections. Because each of these factors shapes a particular movement, the article concludes that there cannot be (...)
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  13.  36
    Women's Movements in America: Their Successes, Disappointments, and Aspirations.Rita James Simon & Gloria Danziger - 1991 - Praeger.
    This work is a survey of the efforts through which women have changed their place in American society from the nation's founding to the present. Examining the historical struggle for suffrage, legal and property rights, and rights in the work place, the authors show how these experiences have shaped a contemporary movement for economic, political, and social equality that has become increasingly independent and less and less likely to place women's issues second to other national concerns. The authors (...)
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  14.  29
    Gendered Islam and Modernity in the Nation-Space: Women's Modernism in the Jamaat-e-Islami of Pakistan.Amina Jamal - 2009 - Feminist Review 91 (1):9-28.
    Feminist scholarship on women in religious and right-wing social and political movements has moved from a reductive focus on causal or motivational factors to more sophisticated analyses explicating processes of agency and subject formation. With the aim of expanding and deepening this conceptual space, I will discuss some of my interactions with a group of women in the Jamaat-e-Islami in Pakistan, as we attempted to explore the complex meanings of ‘the modern’ that informed the self-understanding of my interviewees. My work (...)
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  15. History of women's liberation movements in Britain: a reflective personal history.Jill Radford - 1994 - In Gabriele Griffin, Stirring it: challenges for feminism. Bristol, PA.: Taylor & Francis. pp. 40--58.
  16.  19
    Mental Health Services for ‘Difficult’ Women: Reflections on Some Recent Developments.Sue Waterhouse, Sara Scott & Jennie Williams - 2001 - Feminist Review 68 (1):89-104.
    The provision of mental health services to women has come sharply into focus for providers of secure psychiatric services in the UK. Women's services are being developed in response to the known risks of mixed-sex provision, and a growing appreciation of the ways that women in secure services can be further disadvantaged by their minority status. Our intention here is to present evidence and reflections to help inform this development. The evidence is drawn from our recent work in this field, (...)
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    Silent Voices: Mothers who Kill their Children and the Women's Liberation Movement in 1970s Japan.Alessandro Castellini - 2014 - Feminist Review 106 (1):9-26.
    In the early 1970s Japan witnessed the emergence of a new women's liberation movement that put forward an unprecedented gendered critique of Japanese post-war society. Known as ūman ribu (woman lib) or simply ribu (lib), this movement appeared at a historical time when the numerical increase in cases of mothers who killed their own children prompted the news media to describe maternal filicide as a dramatic social phenomenon. This article explores ribu's engagement with the increased public visibility (...)
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  18.  10
    Psychological Women’s Liberation: Feminist Therapy Between Psychology and the Women’s Movement in the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1970s.Vera Luckgei - 2024 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 32 (4):357-385.
    From the late 1960s onwards, the early second women’s movement encompassed all areas of West German society. This included debates about how women’s healthcare could be improved in a self-determined, women-friendly way and in line with feminist ideals. These debates were also held with regard to the general boom in psychotherapy at the time. This article explores the question of how debates around feminist therapy emerged in the Federal Republic of Germany. It also looks at the tense relationship between (...)
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    A problem in Schutz's theory of the historical sciences with an illustration from the women's liberation movement.Lester Embree - 2004 - Human Studies 27 (3):281-306.
    In the first part of this essay it is contended that Schutz''s project is best called the philosophical theory of the cultural sciences; in the last parts it is shown that he offers satisfactory rudiments of a theory of the historical sciences except where the differentia specifica of those sciences is concerned. The central part is devoted to women''s liberation as a case of contemporary history in relation to which Schutz''s thought about the historical sciences needs correction.
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  20.  54
    Why the UK National Health Service Should be Privatised.Danny Frederick - manuscript
    It is an article of almost religious faith in the United Kingdom that the National Health Service is far superior to a competitive market in health care services. In this brief and informal paper I show that the opposite is true. In contrast to market provision, the existence of the National Health Service entails the following. First, consumer sovereignty is virtually destroyed, since what services the consumer receives and how much he pays (through taxation) are determined (...)
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  21.  24
    “Recovery” in mental health services, now and then: A poststructuralist examination of the despotic State machine's effects.Jim A. Johansson & Dave Holmes - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (1):e12558.
    Recovery is a model of care in (forensic) mental health settings across Western nations that aims to move past the paternalistic and punitive models of institutional care of the 20th century and toward more patient‐centered approaches. But as we argue in this paper, the recovery‐oriented services that evolved out of the early stages of this liberating movement signaled a shift in nursing practices that cannot be viewed only as improvements. In effect, as “recovery” nursing practices became more established, more (...)
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    Book Review: Jews and Gender: Responses to Otto Weininger. [REVIEW]Béla Szabados - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (2):548-550.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Jews and Gender: Responses to Otto WeiningerBéla SzabadosJews and Gender: Responses to Otto Weininger, edited by Nancy A. Harrowitz and Barbara Hyams; 341 pp. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995, $54.95 cloth, $24.95 paper.“Every artist has been influenced by others and shows traces of that influence yet his significance for us is nothing but his personality. What he inherits from others can be nothing but eggshells,” said Wittgenstein, listing (...)
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  23.  16
    Women's liberation!: Feminist writings that inspired a revolution & still can.Alix Kates Shulman & Honor Moore (eds.) - 2021 - New York: A Library of America.
    When Betty Friedan published The Feminine Mystique in 1963, the book exploded into women's consciousness. Before the decade was out, what had begun as a campaign for women's civil rights transformed into a diverse and revolutionary movement for freedom and social justice that challenged many aspects of everyday life long accepted as fixed: work, birth control and abortion, childcare and housework, gender, class, and race, art and literature, sexuality and identity, rape and domestic violence, sexual harassment, pornography, and more. (...)
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    Women's Liberation: Seeing the Revolution Clearly.Sara M. Evans - 2015 - Feminist Studies 41 (1):138.
    Abstract:AbstractWomen's Liberation was a radical, multiracial feminist movement that grew directly out of the New Left, civil rights, antiwar, and related freedom movements of the 1960s. Its insight that “the personal is political,” its intentionally decentralized structure, and its consciousness raising method allowed it to grow so fast and with such intensity that it swept up liberal feminist organizations in a wildfire of change. Though women's liberation was fundamental to the emergence of a mass feminist movement, (...)
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  25.  28
    Men with Muskets, Women with Lyres: Nationality, Citizenship, and Gender in the Writings of Germaine de Staël.Susanne Hillman - 2011 - Journal of the History of Ideas 72 (2):231-254.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Men with Muskets, Women with Lyres: Nationality, Citizenship, and Gender in the Writings of Germaine de StaëlSusanne HillmanOn 23 May 1812 Germaine de Staël (1766–1817), Europe’s best-known enemy of Napoleon Bonaparte, set out from her estate on Lake Geneva to escape to England. In her reminiscences, she reflected on the pivotal event as follows:[A]fter ten years of ever-increasing persecutions [...] I was obliged to leave two homelands as a (...)
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    American lesbians are not French women: heterosexual French feminism and the Americanisation of lesbianism in the 1970s.Ilana Eloit - 2019 - Feminist Theory 20 (4):381-404.
    This article examines the ways in which 1970s French feminists who participated in the Women’s Liberation Movement (Mouvement de libération des femmes – MLF) wielded the spectre of lesbianism as an American idiosyncrasy to counteract the politicisation of lesbianism in France. It argues that the erasure of lesbian difference from the domain of French feminism was a necessary condition for making ‘woman’ an amenable subject for incorporation into the abstract unity of the French nation, wherein heterosexuality is conceived (...)
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  27.  27
    US Government Surveillance and the Women's Liberation Movement, 1968-1973: A Case Study.Roberta Salper - 2008 - Feminist Studies 34 (3):431-455.
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    Rapture and Rupture: Ruminations On Enclave Politics, Political Oblivion, and the Need for Recognition in the Early Women's Liberation Movement.Kimberley Curtis - 2004 - Constellations 11 (4):551-574.
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    Machist Epistemology Hindrance to the Women’s Liberation Movement—Also on Marxist Criticism of Maherism.孟豪 王 - 2023 - Advances in Philosophy 12 (6):1044-1049.
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    Re-Viewing the Second WaveIn Our Time: Memoir of a RevolutionThe World Split Open: How the Modern Women's Movement Changed AmericaDear Sisters: Dispatches from the Women's Liberation Movement"Rights, Not Roses": Unions and the Rise of Working-Class Feminism, 1945-1980.Sara M. Evans, Susan Brownmiller, Ruth Rosen, Rosalyn Baxandall, Linda Gordon & Dennis A. Deslippe - 2002 - Feminist Studies 28 (2):258.
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    Language, foreign nationality and ethnicity in an English prison: implications for the quality of health and social research.C. Yildiz & A. Bartlett - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (10):637-640.
    Background More than one in 10 of all prisoners in England and Wales are Foreign Nationals. This article discusses whether the research applications to one London prison are aimed at understanding a prisoner population characterised by significant multinational and multilingual complexity. Methods We studied all accessible documents relating to research undertaken at a women's prison between 2005 and 2009 to assess the involvement of Foreign National prisoners and women with limited English. The source of information was prison research (...)
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  32.  77
    Reaching targets in the national cervical screening programme: are current practices unethical?P. Foster & C. M. Anderson - 1998 - Journal of Medical Ethics 24 (3):151-157.
    The principle of informed consent is now well established within the National Health Service (NHS) in relation to any type of medical treatment. However, this ethical principle appears to be far less well established in relation to medical screening programmes such as Britain's national cervical screening programme. This article will critically examine the case for health care providers vigorously pursuing women to accept an invitation to be screened. It will discuss the type of information which women (...)
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  33.  63
    Bioethics as a prescription for civic action: The japanese interpretation.Rihito Kimura - 1987 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 12 (3):267-277.
    This paper reports on recent developments in the rise of bioethics in Japan. Much of the recent interest in bioethics in Japan is seen as a response to various civic movements. The women's liberation movement, access to equal opportunity, and the recognition of patients' rights and the importance of informed consent are among some of the movements influencing the development of bioethics in Japan. The author argues that this movement is to be encouraged and fostered by health (...)
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  34.  18
    The De-Eroticization of Women's Liberation: Social Purity Movements and the Revolutionary Feminism of Sheila Jeffreys.Margaret Hunt - 1990 - Feminist Review 34 (1):23-46.
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    The british national health service: Lessons from the "socialist calculation debate".John Meadowcroft - 2003 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 28 (3):307 – 326.
    The "Socialist Calculation Debate" is little known outside the economics profession, yet this inter-war debate between liberal and socialist economists on the practical feasibility of socialism has important implications for all contemporary public sector bureaucracies. This article applies the Mises-Hayek critique of central planning that emerged from this debate to the crisis presently facing the British National Health Service. The Mises-Hayek critique suggests that the UK government's plan for a renewal of the National Health Service will (...)
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  36.  11
    The politics of the workshop: craft, autonomy and women’s liberation.D.-M. Withers - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (2):217-234.
    The women’s liberation movements that emerged in Britain in the late 1960s are rarely thought of through their relationship with technology and technical knowledge. To overlook this is to misunderstand the movement’s social, cultural and economic interventions; it also understates how the technical environment conditioned the emergence of autonomous, women-centred politics. This article draws on archival evidence to demonstrate how the autonomous women’s liberation movement created experimental social contexts that enabled de-skilled, feminised social classes to confront (...)
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    Problems of improving the mechanism of regulation and liberalization of the financial market in the conditions of Turkmenistan's accession to the WTO.Aysoltan Habyyeva - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):111-122.
    The purpose of the study is to develop proposals for the liberalization of the financial services sector of the economy of Turkmenistan in the context of the country's potential accession to the World Trade Organization. The article considers the problems and challenges that Turkmenistan may face in the process of negotiations on the terms of accession to the WTO. The scientific novelty lies in the theoretical justification of the expediency of maintaining the status quo in trade in financial services in (...)
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  38.  14
    Book Review: Sisterhood and After: An Oral History of the UK Women’s Liberation Movement, 1968–Present by Margaretta Jolly. [REVIEW]Emma Spruce - 2020 - Feminist Review 126 (1):212-213.
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  39. Evaluating the State of Intellectualization of the National Economy of Ukraine in the Context of Globalization.Sergii Sardak & A. A. Samoylenko S. E. Sardak - 2014 - Бізнесінформ 12:19-24.
    Due to the innovative nature of the world economy and the continuity of scientific and technological progress, intellectualization becomes one of the world's leading trends. The article is aimed to evaluate the state of intellectualization of the national economy of Ukraine in the context of globalization. In the article the existing approaches are considered, which are used by international organizations and expert agencies to evaluate the intellectualization level of the countries around the world. The indicators of the state of (...)
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  40. The New Type of Writing for the Womenfolk in the Early 20th Century.Fei Wang - 2008 - Nankai University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) 6:66-74.
    The early 20th century a new style of Chinese women sector, is in the "revolution in the text," the social context, in Liang "new style" reality show ideas and writing demonstration, with the women's liberation movement since the commencement of the body into its . Revolution in women's Evans into the text, thus producing a unique application of magic; from the women's liberation movement of the actual needs, to break old stereotypes composition, heart open style, so (...)
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    Personal Politics: The Roots of Women's Liberation in the Civil Rights Movement and the New Left.E. Manion - 1981 - Télos 1981 (48):205-212.
  42.  45
    Context, design and conveyance of information: ICT-enabled agricultural information services for rural women in Bangladesh.Tahmina Khan Tithi, Tapas Ranjan Chakraborty, Pinash Akter, Humayra Islam & Amina Khan Sabah - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (1):277-287.
    ICT for development projects often focus on integrating social factors in information systems design. A well-designed ICT4D solution must be tailored to the needs of the people who will use them and subsequently, requires an extensive understanding of the context and constraints in people’s lives. With an objective to explore how context-specific issues influence the conveyance of appropriate agricultural information to women, this paper uses PROTIC, a 5-year collaborative project between Monash University and Oxfam, as a case. PROTIC (...)
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    Personal Politics: The Roots of Women's Liberation in the Civil Rights Movement and the New Left.Wini Breines & Sara Evans - 1979 - Feminist Studies 5 (3):496.
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    Elderly women and COVID-19 vaccination in the indigenous religio-culture of the Ndau of south-eastern Zimbabwe.Macloud Sipeyiye - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (2):9.
    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is steadily becoming a tameable, mild communicable disease globally. In the Western countries and some countries in Asia, such as China, for example, this milestone is owed to a high response to vaccination programmes. The same cannot be said of Africa, where the uptake of vaccines has not been encouraging. In Zimbabwe, for example, the government had intended to vaccinate at least 10 million of its estimated 16 million population in order to reach herd immunity. The (...)
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    A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Entrepreneurs’ Gender on their Access to Bank Finance.Malin Malmström, Barbara Burkhard, Charlotta Sirén, Dean Shepherd & Joakim Wincent - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-18.
    This meta-analysis of 31 studies over 20 years advances our understanding of the gender gap in entrepreneurial bank finance. Findings from previous research on the relationship between entrepreneurs’ gender and bank financing are mixed, which suggests the need to pay particular attention to entrepreneurs’ social context. In this study, we develop a model of how social gender norms explain variation in women entrepreneurs’ (vis-à-vis men entrepreneurs’) access to bank finance. Specifically, we theorize how women’s formal (their nations’ political ideologies) and (...)
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    The culture of the national liberation movement and the change towards democracy: The case of North Africa.Mounir Kchaou - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (5):512-522.
    This article aims to analyse the cultural background of the political elites involved nowadays in the democratization’s process in North Africa. It argues that this process cannot succeed unless a...
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    Rosa Luxemburg, Women’s Liberation and Marx’s Philosophy of Revolution. [REVIEW]Bat-ami Bar On - 1985 - Idealistic Studies 15 (1):72-74.
    This volume is divided into three parts. In the first, Ms. Dunayevskaya unfolds the story of Luxemburg’s life as “theoretician, as activist and as internationalist.” In the second part she briefly discusses the Women’s Liberation Movement as a historical subject and thus as “revolutionary force and reason.” In the third part she focuses on Marx as the theoretician of “revolution in permanence.” Throughout the book, history, philosophy, and critique are interwoven into a whole. Whether a coherent whole emerges (...)
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    Creating a Space for Absent Voices: Disabled Women's Experience of Receiving Assistance with Daily Living Activities.Jenny Morris - 1995 - Feminist Review 51 (1):68-93.
    Feminist research on community care and ‘informal carers’ identified this as a women's issue but failed to address the interests and experiences of older and disabled women – those who received ‘care’ One consequence is that such feminist research has implicitly, and sometimes explicitly, undermined disabled women's rights to a home, children and personal relationships. Using qualitative research, the article highlights the actual experience of women whose physical impairment means that they need help with daily living activities, looking at the (...)
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    “This isn't Paradise—I Work Here”: Global Restructuring, the Tourism Industry, and Women Workers in Caribbean Costa Rica.Darcie Vandegrift - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (6):778-798.
    Tourism has received relatively scant attention in feminist analysis of women's work under economic restructuring. The industry creates a sector without a shop floor based on the provision of authenticity, leisure, and price-sensitive services. Migrant women from the First World and the Third World labor with national workers in a highly informalized and stratified employment setting. This article examines how structural conditions shape tourism employment in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica. Drawing from data including observation, interviews, and a longitudinal business (...)
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    Buddhist Women Across Cultures: Realizations (review).Lucinda Joy Peach - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):278-282.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 278-282 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Buddhist Women Across Cultures: Realizations Buddhist Women Across Cultures: Realizations. Edited by Karma Lekshe Tsomo. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1999. Pp. viii + 326. This collection of essays on women in Buddhism largely succeeds in fulfilling Tsomo's goal of documenting "Buddhist women's actual involvement" in the Buddhist tradition (p. 1). Her introduction provides a very (...)
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